Neat Pool & Supply Inc.
Bioguard Back Up 2

Back Up® 2

Prevent algae from appearing with routine weekly maintenance

  • Non-staining formula prevents a wide variety of algae
  • Powerful wetting agent and surfactant help it work into cracks and crevices
  • Not appropriate for pools with attached spas or water features
  • Can be used with the BioGuard 3-Step Care System

Algae Killing and Prevention


Prevent algae before it becomes an issue

The addition of algicide is needed for proper pool maintenance. Sanitizers or shock/oxidizers alone may not keep algae at bay and this step is needed to keep your pool completely clear of any growth. This is the third part of the BioGuard 3-Step Pool Care System.


Do all algicides kill algae?

Not all algicides are alike, only algicides that have been approved by the EPA for killing algae actually perform. All BioGuard products have been thoroughly reviewed and proven effective. Various kinds of algae may require different treatments to ensure they are eliminated.

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